Saturday, November 2, 2013

For a Reason :)

I believe you had always known about the phrase "everything happens for a purpose". Somehow when things do not go along your way, banking on this phrase somehow helps.And for some purpose, I found myself blogging again after a looooong time's absence. Perhaps, work has made me quite busy or plainly, apathy just paved in. I don't know where in this world would I be able to pick eagerness. Dear self, just stop procrastinating. Hihi :)))

To partly disclose, yes, I am a working girl now. Circumstances led me into the world of community development since May this year. It is where complexities and fulfillment meet halfway. It is something I took time to learn and took time to realize why I am here. Often times, I reflect on how I may be undeserving with the kind of responsibilities placed on my shoulders. It's not that I am belittling my self. It's just maybe because of my... character... or of my personality... or of my basta... It may not fit to what the job requires. If you know me, you know what I really mean, eh?

There are things you have to give up when you commit to things. Yes, other opportunities that may pop in. But indeed, my heart says I have to take time to learn and believe that everything will fall into its place in its proper time someday. 

Indeed,I was brought here not by accident. Regardless of my preoccupations and doubts, I have to perform my job as well as I can. I may have fall short on that aspect a number of times, but it doesn't mean I have to  wallow in guilt. But though, honestly, I do. However, as long as people around me don't make me feel that I should, I think I will be fine. 

Before I end this, let me leave this verse from Ecclesiastes 3. Yes Lord, in Your time. Your will, not mine. :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Laida Magtalas and Miggy Montenegro: Just Epic!

I found myself alone in the Cinema House again yesterday, finally having the time to watch Laida and Miggy again on the big screen for It Takes a Man and a Woman. I felt just deeply pierced in the heart in such a way I can't explain. I would bet it is the best of the series and I should say, one of the best movies evaaaar!!!

Personally, the movie to me was "relatable" since I see "bits" of Laida in me. Just portions. Maybe on how she will always have a soft spot for someone even how badly hurt she was. Well, I think everybody goes on the same spot when you genuinely care for someone. Uhm maybe with the reaction formation defense mechanism she's doing too. Guiltily, I do that too. Ssseeezzz. Now, this paragraph's emo-ish and out of the blue. Scratch this.

But well, on the other hand, it was a well-portrayed role by Sarah Geronimo as Laida Magtalas version 2.0. Indeed, she's been into a real upgrading. She was really effective maybe because she played it genuinely. Not to mention Isabelle Daza who plays Belle as Miggy's present girlfiend, who is really an epitome of class and beauty, whether for reel or for real. Gooooosssssh! She is soooo pretty and I can't help but wish to have a beauty as alluring as hers. Her role was indeed significant to make the movie turn out to be as wonderful as it is. And of course, John Lloyd Cruz, WHY OH YOU SO HANDSOME?!?!? Whether he plays Miggy Montenegro or Popoy or whoever, he will always be the most effective actor ever, ever. And as I always say, he's the only actor who can make me cry when he does. You would really feel there is so much heart when he acts, real embodiment of the character he portrays, and I know, a lot of people will agree with this.

The good thing about watching the movie alone was that I never have to conceal my emotions. Wow! I was laughing real hard and crying at the same time. All of it were genuine since I don't have the fear of getting booed after the movie for feeling for it. Hahaha! You see pictures of forgiveness in it in a lot of aspects. First, when Art (Rowell Santiago), Miggy's half brother, forgives him even often times he commits mistakes whether in business or wherever. He unconditionally takes it into his account. Second, when Laida's mom forgave her husband for cheating on her. Third, when Laida herself forgave her dad for doing it. It was one touching moment when Laida said: "Pa, sorry 'di ko kayo napatawad agad". It hit me. Really. And lastly, when Laida finally gave Miggy a chance. It was a forgiveness he took time to earn and it was a forgiveness worth granting. He was the sweetest in the New York scenes and of course, the surprise at the airport. Joooohnnnn Llooooyd! You already!

In fairness with John Rae (Joross Gamboa's character), his humor was really effective. Maybe with the lines. It has humor with perfect timing and I can't help but giggle. Like when he said: "Tara guys, taguan tayo. Taguan ng feelings" when Laida was obviously jealous with Belle and Miggy. Waaaah!!! There was also a scene when Laida slipped in appreciating Miggy's eyes when discussing about how their magazine pictures should speak even with just looking in the eyes. Miggy was like flattered with the compliment and was caught by Laida's friends  in the comfort room looking at his eyes in the mirror like obsessionally. 
John Rae: Sir?
Miggy: Bakit?
John Rae: Ah wala sir. Baka kasi kinakausap kami ng mata mo.

Hahaha! **Insert wagas na tawa here**

Now that the A Very Special Love series is in its third installment, I still haven't seen the connection of Laida's wig to her role. I don't know. It's just... awkward? Haha. What to do you think?

And by the way, you should never miss their wedding vows! They were sincere and sweet. The best thing about it? John Lloyd and Sarah themselves wrote it for the movie. Wow! 

Regardless of the awkward wig and the fake kisses, Laida and Miggy: you are just so epic! As in incomparably epic! It's a movie worth recommending. Just to say, Filipinos themselves should stop stereotyping Filipino movies as "low quality". Well, if you just know "epikia". 

Alchang :*

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Bigger Challenge

More than just the title after your name, perhaps it is how much you handle it. It comes with greater responsibilities and way greater expectations. **Sighs**

Lately, I am quite bothered I may not be doing accordingly to what is expected, consciously or unconsciously. While I am driven to change for the better, the more I encounter things and events that challenge that drive. It's just... quite disturbing.

It is really a disappointment and a slap on my face. 

Then I remember one of my most favorite Bible verses:

I have to conquer indeed the bigger challenge with FAITH. But first, I have to forgive myself, let go of the guilt and move forward. 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Not Necessarily

So, it was Valentine's Day yesterday. At 21, I never experienced being on a romantic date on a V-day. I only got flowers once when I was in High School. Despite this, I don't want to be sour-graping to people who are extremely happy on that day. I may not be in a romantic relationship now, but I ain't bitter. And this statement is genuine as it can be.

I wish I was able to enjoy yesterday the way others did. I was supposed to go with my family on a newly-opened bar in town but I was sick so I had to spend the night resting. 

I am single but I am not loveless. Being single and being loveless can both go along together, depending on how you perceive everything around you. In my case, I am single but not loveless. Yes, honestly. No this is not me doing some defense mechanism here. You may be thinking of reaction formation or rationalization but, no. In my heart, I truly believe in love. Always have, always will.

Love is indeed everywhere and it is definitely NOT a cliché. It really isn't. This love emanates from Someone Divine up there. Even from the very moment we wake up everyday, God shows us His love by giving us another day, the opportunity to be with your loved ones, or even the chance to enjoy life the way it is. 

I see love seeing my mom preparing to go to school, to teach not just to earn a living but because of love for teaching itself. I see love whenever my dog waves her tail in the sight of me. I see love when I see my sister doing her homework, perhaps, not just to comply but for the love of learning. 

See? Love is indeed everywhere. Even in the simplest things around us, it is always there. You just have to recognize and appreciate it. Do you have to be in a relationship to feel love? Not necessarily...

Alchang :*

Thursday, January 31, 2013

just the first of many more :))))))))

Last January 30, we finally got the results of the Licensure Exam! All the 43 people in the first batch of the new BSN curriculum of my school PASSED. Yehesssss! We might have just assumed it coming even during our student days, but now, the feeling of the reality happening right in front of your face is just surreal. I AM SOOOOO HAAAAPPPY!!! I barely can't contain it in words!!!

This is just indeed of the many more posts to come. Thank You Lord for this victory! You never fail to answer our prayers Use our licenses for Your greater glory! :)

I love you guys! Always have, always will :*

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Twenty One and Thankful :)

Once, I was just a kid sneaking from my parents to get away and play with my friends. Looking back, I never envisioned myself being at this point in my life now. Maybe I was just too busy with my childhood that I just don't have the time to think of it. When I was a lot younger, I look up to those people who age like me now. I don't know. Maybe they were just so mature already that time, and uhm... responsible as well. But now, I reached their age before, why don't I feel as mature and responsible as them? Hahaha! Certainly, my heart can prove it: AGE ARE JUST NUMBERS.

THANK YOU is all I can say for 21 years of existence, experiences, and lessons. Thank You to my God, my Refuge and the Perfect Being. I wouldn't be here without You along those 21 years.

Thank You also for the FB and Twitter posts whether you remembered it or you just saw a notification in Facebook. Hehe. I love you guys! 

Thank you also for the SMS people. Some people did sent me a text message but the one I had from Ascencion (whom I call Sissie) touched me most. Here it is:

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.
-Helen Keller

To one of the few people I deeply love, Happy Birthday Titipz! :))We may not be together to celebrate your day but I sincerely hope that that my prayers and wishes of happiness, good health, good luck, love life and successful career will reach you and be granted to you. May God continue to bless you and guide through the days and may the good you bring to others be repaid to you a seventh fold. Continue to be jolly, lovable and beautiful. Love yah! Mwuahugs!

This message almost made me cry. I know in my heart that no matter how long we won't be able to see each other, nothing will change of how we are. She's indeed one of this earth's most admirable yet so humble people. :)))))

Of course, the great, great THANK YOU to my parents for without them, I wouldn't be here today. I believe, they've had a good job in nurturing me and I should claim it. I've had a lot of flaws but they just loved me exceptionally still. 


Much love,
Alchang (who is now a year older)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Epikia: Exception to the Rule

Whether you admit or not, you have set some standards within yourself with a lot of things. Or at least call them "parameters" or "preferences" if you ain't comfortable with it. May it be with the kind of food you eat, the kind of clothes you wear, the way you get things done or most, with the kind of ideal man or woman you want to be with.

Personally, I've always believed I would settle for my picture of my ideal man: long-legged, smart, artistic and God-fearing. That I would neeeveeerrr just at the least thing have a crush on anyone that doesn't fit on any of the four. And yes, you just knew, I FOUND MYSELF WRONG.

I could not at least specifically name the deviations from those so-called "parameters" but admit it, you had been on my shoes too. Just so you know, he still fits in portions of those and yet, he also falls in the very characteristic I don't want in a man. Mouth zipped. I'd leave it there. The rest is for you to know. Hahaha!

And BTW, of how I knew about the word EPIKIA is because of the person this post's all about. Bastaaaa! :)) And even with my awe for this person, still the innate "Dalagang Pilipina" blood overwhelms me a lot whenever those simple "kilig opportunities" set in.    (Me lifting my own seat here) Waaaaaahhhhh!!! Booo! Yeah, I admit. I was like some loser-high-school-girl trying so hard na ipakitang hindi  kinikilig. Urrrrggghhh! I am being too talkative. Sssshhh. Hahaha. Anyway, if you knew me personally, you don't have to read in between the lines. You knew all along about what and who's this post all about just reading the very title.

One fine realization: YOU CANNOT EXPECT ALL THINGS TO HAPPEN THE WAY YOU WANT IT SHOULD BE. Behind anything is a purpose. You just have to accept it the way they are.


Breaking the ice,
Alchang :>